Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My opinions on Rescue Me

Before I get into the question of whether or not the scene we saw was rape, I just wanted to mention a few of the online articles linked to the blog post. First, I find it highly amusing and also disturbing that the firefighters were weighing in so enthusiastically on Shiela or Janet (or as many said, both). However, a lot of the blog posts and other forums seemed to put a lot more thought into the complexities and motivations behind each character, as well as the creator's reactions to the huge fan blowup in regards to the rape scene. It all made me wonder just who the creators were writing the show for, if they seem so offended and upset that the internet got so passionate about that one scene.

Speaking of which, after a lot of thought, I do not think that the Tommy/Janet scene was rape. I think that it was more along the lines of angry and spontaneous sex, like as Madalyn suggested. Also, I think that Tommy initiated the sex as an assertion of power (much like a rapist would), because just prior to that scene they were splitting up their assets and possessions. Tommy noted to Janet that after running into burning buildings and working really hard, all he got out of the marriage was a used and unwanted dining table set. HOWEVER, what he also got out of the marriage was her, so in light of the fact that she was also seeing his brother, I think Tommy did what he did because he wanted to feel like he got something out of the marriage, and that he 'had' Janet first, and always would. Most are probably thinking 'doesn't this then mean that Tommy raped Janet?' Perhaps. But I think that maybe this was meant as a final 'I'm still angry with you but goodbye' sex moment between the two, and also a demonstration that Tommy was still worth something to make his ex-wife feel pleasure.

I guess my thoughts still aren't finalized clearly, but I do not think that it was rape, but rather Tommy's own weaknesses and need to prove his self-worth--to show that however many years they were married was not for nothing. He still wanted to see if he "had it," even though Janet initially showed a lot of displeasure at the sudden sex.

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